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T6: T6 FinFET and eNVM Technology for Optimum IoT Devices


11:30 - 13:00

Room 1+2


Glavine Yeh (TSMC Europe, NL)

Mr. Glavine Yeh is Sr. Program Manager, in charge of FinFET university program at TSMC Europe.

Prior to this role, Mr. Yeh was Technical Manager, focusing on embedded non-Volatile Memory (eNVM) technologies and successfully driving eNVM technologies as the most important growing business at TSMC Europe.

Mr. Yeh joined TSMC in 1997, he served as manager of customer service for the Japan region. In 2008, he joined TSMC Europe, responsible for engaging on technologies and enabling new product development.

Mr. Yeh received his M.S. in Material Science and Engineering from National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan.


Ahmed Abdelmoeem (TSMC Europe, NL)

Mr. Ahmed Abdelmoeem, born in May 1989, received his bachelor's degree in Electronics and communications engineering in 2011 from Mansoura UNiversity. In 2015 Ahmed received his Master’s degree in Microelectronics Systems design from Nile University.

Mr. Ahmed worked as an Analog designer for CMOS Image Sensors (CIS) for around 7-years before joining TSMC as a Technical manager for Field Technical Solutions.


Semiconductor industry is shaping our daily life and is driving the digital transformation to elevate the standard to next level. Especially IoT devices will cover ubiquitous domains from medical, household to industrial applications. Higher performance at lowest power budget and smallest footprint is the ultimate goal. FinFET technology and advanced non-volatile memories (NVM) address these challenges the best.

In this tutorial, you will learn about the specific KPIs of advanced FinFET technology and the new design solution required to realize innovative products and architectures. Beyond the foundation of logic FinFET technology, an overview of embedded non-volatile memory on FinFET technology will be provided to complete the understanding of future technological opportunities.

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